Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Add Value to your product!

Want to increase your sales both on and offline?
Often you can do extra things to "Add Value" to your CD and increase it's overall appeal.
Let me share with you my personal story.
I'm primarily an instrumental recording artist who found a niche in the tourist/new age/relaxation market.
Bearing this in mind I began to think to myself what could I do to add appeal to my CD's that would increase my sales.
I knew that aromatherapy was a popular so I began to investigate ways in which I could incorporate this with my music.
Now one of the stores where I sell my albums is run by a couple that produces natural soaps
and is frequented by lots of tourists so I began to work with this couple who produced an essential oil sampler which is packaged with my CD (to enhance value of the CD).
The results?
A dramatic increase in sales for only a couple of extra dollars per Album.
You can also try adding video footage to your own albums, an ebook etc.
Use your creativity and don't be afraid to try new concepts - they can often work very well if done right.

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