Wednesday, May 30, 2012

New radio station accepting indie musician instrumental tracks for airplay.

Hightide Radio is a new station I have just launched to broadcast indie instrumental music and I'm seeking content right now. The type of material I'm looking for is "new age", relaxing, orchestral, and theme style music. anything like Vangelis, Tony o'connor, Morricone, Deep Forest etc as well as solo piano, world, acoustic and most material in that genre.
If you are interested in getting your music out there and your recordings fit the above description visit and fill out the contact page there with a link to your samples or CDbaby page if you have one.
Note: this is a community effort that I will be funding out of my own pocket (not a commercial station) so no royalties are involved so you need to be willing to let your work be broadcast on this understanding. I want to make this venture win win for everybody so we all get more exposure for our music and sales of our CDs.
I look forward to hearing from you.
UPDATE: After 5 years of broadcasting has now closed its doors.

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